Public Safety Cadet Program Vision & Mission

Mentoring young adults to serve their communities by providing knowledge, skills and practical experiences through education and training delivered by public safety professionals that build character, physical fitness and respect for the rule of law.
Purpose and Scope
Cadets work under direct supervision and perform a variety of routine and progressively advanced tasks in an apprenticeship program in preparation for a career in law enforcement. The Cadet Program will provide young adults with a comprehensive, hand-on experience to include training and competition on practical or real-world scenarios.
The application process requires students who are interested in the Cadet Program to be enrolled in a High School within the boundaries of Monroe County. If a student is home schooled within Monroe County, they can be no younger than 14 years of age and no older than 20 years of age. Once a Cadet turns 21 years of age, their position as an acting member will be retired from active service. They may have the opportunity to be hired as a Monroe County Sheriff's Office Reserve Officer.
Education Requirements
Cadets are required to maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 ("C" grade) for all courses taken. Cadets should attempt to complete college courses (if offered) that may be used toward a college degree.
Lead Mentor - Pete Reichardt - peter.reichardt@co.monroe.wi.us
Mentor - Sgt. Rylan Corcoran - Patrol - rylan.corcoran@co.monroe.wi.us
Mentor - Sgt. Shasta Moga - Corrections Officer

The Creators
The work of creating the Public Safety Cadet Program was done by Peter Reichardt, Teri Serres Walensky, and Sergeant Ryan Oswald. Sergeant Oswald will oversee the Cadet Program for the Sheriff’s Office.
“Communities will see their young adults at parades, tractor pulls, National Night Out, Warrens Cranberry Festival… It will give them [cadets] a sense of protecting their communities and its members; people they know.”
- Sgt. Ryan Oswald